These terms and conditions, along with your agreement to them, pertain to the website of Tevason Limited (located at www.tevason.com)
This site is owned by Tevason Limited registered in COI with the company number 779370.
By accessing this site, you are indicating your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Tevason retains the authority, based on its exclusive judgment, to alter, adjust, append, or delete segments of these terms and conditions of use whenever deemed necessary. It's your duty to regularly review these terms and conditions for any modifications. Should you continue utilizing this site after modifications have been published, it signifies your acknowledgment and consent to the adjustments. As long as you adhere to these terms and conditions, Tevason Ltd bestows upon you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable privilege to access and utilize the site.
The content found on this site is intended solely for financial purposes and does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation.As a result, it's important that you refrain from taking any action based on the information provided on the site without first consulting Tevason directly.
The information on the site is presented "as is." We have the right to modify, adjust, substitute, remove, or limit access to any services or content available on our website.
Despite our reasonable efforts to provide accurate and current information and to properly maintain services and software, errors can arise on the website. In such instances, Tevason disclaims any responsibility or liability.
Tevason does not accept liability for any direct or indirect damages, injury, lost opportunities or lost profit arising out of your access to, or inability to access, this website or elements downloaded or used from/on the website. This limitation includes damages or any viruses, which may affect your computer equipment.
The entirety of the material present on this website, encompassing text, images, logos, pictures, audio and video clips, as well as data collections, is owned by Tevason or its providers of content. These assets are safeguarded by both British and global copyright regulations. The assembly of all content on this platform holds the sole ownership of Tevason and is fortified by British and worldwide copyright laws.
The trademarks associated with Tevason, along with their corresponding graphics, images, logos, and names of products and services, are recognized as trademarks, whether they are officially registered or not. The use of these trademarks, logos, and distinct graphics in connection with any other product or service is prohibited without obtaining prior written consent from Tevason.